by MDCI Project Managers / on 20 June, 2023
Looking back on the construction of Marriott’s Marbella Beach Resort
Recalling my assignment from Marriott, my first year as their Project Director was an extremely hard landing indeed. Starting with being flown to Orlando Florida from London to be interviewed by 9 executives and given my “orders” and told not to make a mistake
by MDCI Project Managers / on 20 June, 2023
Why contracting a Project Developer helps to guarantee results and profits?
The returns available from building a villa, hotel, or a development of apartments or townhouses and then selling them on are considerable. This makes it a very attractive investment proposition and has caught the attention of groups and companies outside of the construction and
by MDCI Project Managers / on 19 June, 2023
Is your project in need of rescue?
When delays and costs mount, relationships between the investors and the constructors become strained and finance constraints put the entire project at risk of never being completed.
If you can relate to this, and you have a project which is currently spiralling out of